Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sarhad Insano ke liye hein ...

New controversies have engaged people of Maharashtra these days [] and I thought it isn't wise to stay behind :) ...

First of all .. a generic question .. What was the theory behind dividing people on the basis of countries .. was it their dna , culture , demography or a mix of all these things .. Today if we call ourselves a global citizen then we should be allowed to move to any place in this world , build properties , do business etc ..,in the same way as an India citizen is allowed to move to any state and live life .. So what would happen if the true global citizen concept comes to a reality ? CHAOS !! ... well welcome to Maharashtra !!

So the main concern here is .. on what level should this distinction go to .. country level , state level , district level or even to more granular levels!. There's a huge rush of ppl migrating to developed parts. But also there is an restriction on number of people that a particular region can nurture.. anything above the limit .. imbalance gonna result .Center and States should try and analyze the factors to check y few states are prospering and remaining are not .I wonder why no one questions the inabilities of the states like Madhya Pradesh and Bihar which are rich in culture , natural resources etc . Most of my OMS friends also agree that there is goonda raj and ignorance prevailing there. So isn’t one cause responsible for this chaos also lying in other states. Should there be a need for visa and work permit to travel among states ,. then such imbalance would not result ..however then it would be too difficult for people to move across and progress .. it would be impossible to have cultural exchange .. in short we[this is in context of country being the level of distinction!] would get divided.. On top of it most of the immigrants have little interest to mix with people from the state and have the tendency to create mini- Bihar,Delhi , Chennai etc ..along with their disregard for the culture . This all further adds to the growing anguish not to mention the inability of the regions to satisfy the basic needs of food , shelter and employment to the alarmingly increasing migrants. I feel there should be some laws to check the migrants among the states and a more balanced development should be sought .. otherwise there remains no rational in stopping people from pakistan,nepal ,bhutan etc migrating to India in search of better life .
It also isn’t fair to let the culture and identity of one place to die completely .. the way Indian culture is getting westernized. Its however important that a given culture evolves with time.

Though there is a need of political attention to these factors .. the way the anguish is been shown and motivated by political parties and used to attract the support of majority is nothing but dirty politics.

All in all Center as well as State is responsible for not achieving balanced development across regions. Strict rules to curtail ppl from migrating also isn't favorable since this would add to the imbalance in development. What is to be done in such a scenario still remains controversial ,and such unhappy incidents would keep on popping up and political parties would continue to reap benefits out of this mistrust and uncertainties.

1 comment:

Snigdha Shevade said...

whats wrong with you??? :-O why does your blog has matrimonial adds displayed??? :-O